This is an improved version that fixes a few mistranslations (thanks to the Frensh sub), typos and the wording of some lines and adjusts some timings and overall style. For the fonts, get them from the orignal torrent. This is just the sub file.
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[Beast's Lair & Astro Subs] Fate kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Oath Under Snow - Bluray.ass (282.4 KiB)
I planned to make a second verion anyway at some point to correct the style and some typos, but I noticed a few lines I misunderstood in my sub by going through the french sub, so I made a few edits to get them right. It was pretty helpful.
Comments - 3
it seems that baguette’s subs of this movie was useful
astroprogs (uploader)
I planned to make a second verion anyway at some point to correct the style and some typos, but I noticed a few lines I misunderstood in my sub by going through the french sub, so I made a few edits to get them right. It was pretty helpful.
Thank you.Can someone please sub the special for the movie?