Macross Δ (マクロスΔ Makurosu Deruta, lit. "Macross Delta") is a science fiction anime television series produced by Satelight, and the fourth television series set in the Macross universe. It is directed by Kenji Yasuda (Arata: The Legend, Noein) and written by Toshizo Nemoto (Log Horizon, Tokyo Majin) with Shōji Kawamori being the chief director and mechanical designer, while Chisato Mita handling the original character design. Kawamori is also credited as the original creator along Studio Nue. It premiered on Tokyo MX on April 3, 2016.
Source: TV-Rip / [GG] (12.4 GB)
File Container: MKV
Video Format: x265/HEVC [8-bit]
Video Resolution: 1280x720
Audio Format: AAC-LC
Track 1: Japanese Stereo
Subtitle Format: ASS
Track 1: English
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