Finally, this long season 9 comes to an end.
In these eps the video has been reconstructed. Deleted all the commercial stuff, added the missing opening crazy rainbow (the best quality I could find), added preview also. Now its enjoyable!
This is the season 9 part 4 batch, with eps 319-336.
Comments - 31
darkfire68 (uploader)
Again, sorry for this terrible slow releasing…
Just a few stats that proves that this project is enormous:
More than 25000 complete downloads, thank you guys! Hopefully this project can be done faster in the coming months lol.
Thank you for these amazing releases and for putting the time and effort to do a project of this magnitude. I have almost all of your one piece releases and will help with seeding whenever i can. You don’t have to appologize for nor explain the delays. Just keep being awesome and we can help whichever way we can.
Thank you so much @darkfire68 :-* Your releases are super awesome.
Just wondering do all of your One Piece releases use official subs i.e. Funimation/Crunchyroll or the best available fansub for the particular batch of episodes? Just curious, considering as you have said, you have put a lot of time and resources into this project, I assume you would want to best possible translation/subs.
darkfire68 (uploader)
HikariGo: its simple, if there was a fansub version, I used that if it was better, if not, then the cr subs were used
Do you literally compare the translation for each episode to determine preference? That would take a while…
As I have never sat down and spent significant time comparing the official DVD or CR/Funi subs to Kaizoku, Vegapunk/Vanillapunk, Nakama and Yibis it is hard to know if the general feeling that good fansubs are always superior to official subs is true in this case.
Amazing as usual. Been following your work for years now, I appreciate all your work. People that are being impatient are less likely to appreciate the effort put towards these releases. Do not apologize. Best of luck.
Thanks! :D
thanks <3
Hey, man! How are you? How can i contact you? Needing some informations and help, i’m a brazilian fansubber and i started a work in One Piece.
@darkfire68 Thanks for the release! I was wondering if you have a paypal link or something, I feel like a “thanks” is not enough for a big project like this.
darkfire68 (uploader)
Mugiiya:, you can contact me there.
ThePi7on, please contact me on this email address.
hi dark, where is gone the detective conan release? thanks!
darkfire68 (uploader)
franky: thanks to nyaa staff and all the drama and hating that is usually every day on this site, so it will be uploaded to a different tracker, haven’t decided which one, more info about that later
@darkfire68 Drama and hating from the Nyaa Staff? Is that a thing?
darkfire68 (uploader)
Danielosama: sorry my english isn’t perfect, but all in all, yes. If you upload something about a popular anime, the community always do the same thing: doing drama and always writing that it is fake, bad, etc. That is lame, lol. See the detective conan, dragonball uploads. Always the same thing… This is an open tracker, lol, free stuff. By the way I know the stuff: haters gona hate.
@darkfire68: As you said, haters gonna hate. Besides, I feel like there are way more positive comments about your uploads than anything else :>
darkfire68 (uploader)
yes, thats why I continue :)
when you use the new tracker you re gonna share with us here? dont know when you release something at another place if you dont warn me!
darkfire68 (uploader)
tluus: ok sure
The missing openings in HD and JAPANESE version:!bc13GRBY!FHMQnVHZf9rFmtyU4XFlWQ
Needing others, just speak…
Thanks for your version of episodes… :D
@rlee i wanna the other openings, can you send me the link of them
Hi dear friend.
Is there a higher volume of this version you uploaded?
That same quality !?
Where did you download
Can I give my link?
Thank You.
any chance that you’ll open a discord group?
@GodKaito That’d be cool
darkfire68 (uploader)
rlee: thank thats very helpful!
EMADI: there will be an ultimate batch, but not in the near future :)
GodKaito: maybe, havent decided yet
The next batch will be upped this weekend.
wooooowwwwww, new one piece episodes for the weekend! excited!
thanks in advance man! you re the best
darkfire68 (uploader)
Opened my discord server, you can join my channel here:
@rlee Hey that link is dead. Is there any other way I could get my hands on those openings? Perhaps you could e-mail me?
thank you so much! can somebody seed this please?
also @darkfire68 did you guys delete the Discord server? that invite seems to be invalid