Dragon Ball Z Kai (known in Japan as Dragon Ball Kai) is a revised version of the anime series Dragon Ball Z, produced in commemoration of the original series' 20th and 25th anniversaries. Produced by Toei Animation, the series was broadcast in Japan on Fuji TV from April 5, 2009 to March 27, 2011, and later continued with the final story arc from April 6, 2014 to June 28, 2015. It features remastered high definition picture, sound, and special effects as well as a re-recorded voice track by most of the original cast. As most of the series' sketches and animation cels had been discarded since the final episode of Dragon Ball Z in 1996, new frames were produced by digitally tracing over still frames from existing footage and filling them with softer colors; thus reducing visible damage to the original animation. Some frames were selectively cropped, while other frames feature new portions added to scenes that were hand drawn to conform to the designated picture ratio. Much of the material from the Dragon Ball Z anime that was not featured in the Dragon Ball manga has been left out in Kai, therefore reducing the total episode count from 291 to 167. However, the second part of the series, titled Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters by Toei Europe, lasted 61 episodes in Japan, fewer than the previously planned 69, bringing the total number of episodes to 159. The first Blu-ray and DVD compilation was released in Japan on September 18, 2009, with individual volumes releasing monthly as well as Blu-ray box sets.
In 2010, Funimation licensed Kai for an English-language release in the U.S. Funimation's dub of Kai features most of the voice actors from their in-house dub of Dragon Ball Z (though also several re-casts), as well as a more faithful adaptation of the Japanese dialogue than their previous dub. The series aired on Nicktoons, in addition to The CW's Toonzai programming block (later replaced by Vortexx). Furthermore, Funimation has also released bilingual uncut Blu-ray and DVD volume and season box sets of the series in North America. In the U.K., the kids TV channel Kix! aired the opening edited episodes in December 2012, followed by a full series run commencing in January 2013
Source: BD-Rip / [DorianHD] Dragon Ball Z Kai 1080p BluRay [Dual Audio] (72.53 GB)
BD-Rip / [DHD] Dragonball KAI [1080p] [dual audio] (54.6 GB)
File Container: MKV
Video Format: h.265/HEVC [8-bit]
Video Resolution: 960x720 / 1280x720
Audio Format: AAC-LC
Audio Type: Stereo
Track 1: English Stereo
Track 2: Japanese Stereo
Subtitle Format: SRT / PGS (BD)
Track 1: English
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