Credit goes to KamiFS (Ep.28-42), KaiDubs (43-46).
Also to a fellow KamiFS member who gathered the episodes on their MEGA.
Sharing for newcomers to DBS. Also to help keep KamiFS’s releases in circulation~
43-46 include ED Subtitles & Full Subtitles (Yes, English Dub Dialogue Subtitles).
Credit to W4F Group for the Dialogue Subs. OGG for the ED Subs. JPBD Video from SOFCJ-Raws. Audio from KamiFS WebRIPs.
Get notified for releases here:
Can also reach me on Discord. Also can just come chat! Talk about the latest episode! (No spoilers if you’ve watched further ahead subbed or read manga. This is for Dub fans, be respectful please…)
Comments - 5
KaiDubs (uploader)
S4 (what there is upto current) to follow later.
KaiDubs (uploader)
Just noticed the odd yet empty files. Sorry about that.
Didn’t have hidden files being shown, so I didn’t see those in the directory on my seedbox. Just delete them.
thank you cant wait for season 4 to be upload
KaiDubs (uploader)
Up now~
Hey peeps thanks for all the hard work, Is there any way we can get some seeders on this and season 4?