[KaiDubs] Dragon Ball Super - Episode 80 Sneak Peek [English Dub] [1080p Adult Swim RIP] [D6BBDEEB] :: Nyaa ISS

[KaiDubs] Dragon Ball Super - Episode 80 Sneak Peek [English Dub] [1080p Adult Swim RIP] [D6BBDEEB]

2018-09-17 15:06
File size:
30.8 MiB
Info hash:

1080p from Adult Swim since they posted 540p to Facebook this weekend for whatever reason despite having done 1080p for almost 2 months now. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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File list

  • Ep.80 Sneak Peek [KaiDubs] [1080p ASRip] [D6BBDEEB].mkv (30.8 MiB)

Hey how do you download from Adult Swim

KaiDubs (uploader)


The Sneak Peeks aren’t cable restricted, so they’re simple to download with just about any tool you prefer. Don’t really want to go into full detail here, but you’ll get it if you start looking into ripping stuff. Simplest/User Friendly method though would just be to get some browser extension. That aside, Is there something you want off Adult Swim?

yeah i am just looking at downloading tools i use Tubedigger but unfortunately that is unsupported on Adult Swim

KaiDubs (uploader)


Weird. It’s just basic HLS used for the unlocked episodes, so it’s not a trouble to download. I guess Tubedigger just is specifically made for other scenarios and not these sorts.

Edit: Just tried 2 browser extensions I occasionally used but they both failed… Guess there’s probably some slight underhanded trick to requesting the video to download that they’re skipping over. Is there something you want from Adult Swim?