Hi guys! Due to popular demand. I am now starting to reupload some of Kagura’s exclusive releases. Cat’s Eye being one of the few shares I was able to grab back in 2014 and still keeps to this day.
Everything from Kagura’s release is intact. No changes whatsoever other than arranging them in folders and all.
It includes Season 1 Episodes 1-36 plus
Digital Library
English Subs
The English subs. There are two zip files. “Retimed” subs are the ones from H94 and another one I found in the comment sections before Nyaa.se got purge. Both works perfectly so choose what you like.
As to why no S2. I will upload S2 in 3-4 weeks. It only has the episodes and NCOP and NCED. I just want to create more seeds at first because not everyone is willing to seed a 100GB worth in one release. So I figure I would divide it per season to make things easier. And I don’t have enough space for my HDD in desktop right now and I don’t want to use one of my external HDD since it might break for constant use(I only use them for archiving purposes).
All credits goes to Kagura and H94 for retimed subs and thanks for helping me out on the upload stuff. I take no part for this credit. Just someone who managed to save this before Kagura disbanded.
So there ya go! It’s my first share in a long time. I’ll definitely try to share other Kagura releases and ones that are no longer being seeded.
I have these shares from Kagura with English Subs
Michiko Hatchin
Cat’s Eye
Magical Angel Creamy Mami
Slam Dunk
Gundam Unicorn
Let me know if anyone wants them and I’ll try to see what I can do.
Comments - 33
SomaHeir (uploader)
Anyone know how to bold letters here in nyaa as well as show pictures for this page? It’s my first time uploading so I’m trying to get used to this ^^
Hope you guys enjoy this!
Also, if someone Kagura’s You’re Under Arrest Movie and Honoo no Tenkousei BD shares. That would be amazing!! I really want You’re Under Arrest Movie BD. It’s no longer being seeded and no one has any shares of it that I don’t know of :\
Thanks for the credit! Good to keep old school anime alive in HD and with seeds!
Nyaa is using Markdown for styling comments and descriptions. You can read it here : https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
Thank you
I’ve never managed to get thru this show, because the only copy I ever managed to snag has a bunch of Spanish dubs. >.>
City Hunter is my favorite series ever, so I am looking forward to watching the sister series to it after many, many years.
Thank you very much!
SomaHeir (uploader)
I still don’t know how to link pictures in the description :\
I just want to make it look nice XD
Image Link:

I’m seeding this now:
VyseLegendaire: Thank you
Hey mate, do you have the turn A Gundam movies? link:Turn A Gundam movies v3
and do you have some DVD encode e.g. [Desidis] Madlax [DVD 1024x576 H264 10Bit Hi444PP AC3] or [RUELL-Next] Grenadier (576p)?
Anyway thanks for seeding this.
SomaHeir (uploader)
I just uploaded 500GB+. Can we get more seeders mates??! I was expecting this on the 50+ seeds at least!!!
Unfortunately I never downloaded any DVDs on Kagura releases. Only BD’s. Turn A Gundam I missed out as well, but that’s because I got the movies from OZC
You can try them here
@SomaHeir I’ll seed. I also just uploaded the official DVD subs for Space Adventure Cobra, hopefully with some help they can be formatted for the Blu-rays at some point.
SomaHeir (uploader)
@H94. Does this work on the Kagura BD’s?
Thanks btw! I know how to combine subs and IDX to make it SRT with this guide. It works.
@SomaHeir Well, thats the goal :)
SomaHeir (uploader)
I will do an all day seeding tomorrow November 1 :D
After that, I will be uploading S2 BD!! It seems most of the people who wanted the S1 BD’s already got it and there’s literally only 2-3 leechers now. I don’t want to wait another 2-3 weeks anyways.
Let me know in the future if S1 still needs some reseed. I’m sure there’s a couple of people can help reseed this as well.
@SomaHeir Can you please check the season 2 eps 1-15, 18-19, 24-25 and 32 to see if they work?
Thank you! I love Tsukasa Hojo works.
SomaHeir (uploader)
Sorry guys for the delay. I had a bad day yesterday. One of my very very old segate HDD (2TB) just stopped working. The computer can still detect it, but it has this “I/O Device problem” which is most likely related to hardware.
I had a couple of rare Anime raw BD’s there that are no longer shared as well as various video game collections, save files, books, my whole picture set etc. Fortunately, it does seem that I just need to buy a new connector since most stupid HDD’s had this cheap connector that dies down after a few years. I never dropped that thing at all. I was always careful with it. It just stop being recognize by windows, despite you can still see the device being connected which is at least assuring.
No worries. Cat’s Eye BD is safe!! It’s just old Anime BD raws that are rare and I need to get it asap. If anyone can also find any solution on how to connect HDD or any alternatives would be great as well.
I will try to upload S2 sometime next week. I just need to fix this HDD and find a way to back up everything. I’ll probably have to buy a WD 8TB which is on sale right now actually.
SomaHeir (uploader)
Here’s a new raw and tested this subs out. It works!
Let me know if I should still upload the Kagura version :)
Please also upload the S2 as well. This series is such a rare find. Thanks a lot!
You might as well, you’re raws are of a higher quality after all. How’s your hard drive situation?
I mean. Considering the size difference with compression for that other release, I would prefer this release above all else to be honest.
If you are still planning to, I would say it’s worth uploading it. Haven’t heard from you in a few days though.
And this will be my last comment for now. The other release is running out of seeders. I don’t know if you are going to bother with the season 2 release but so far I only have Season 1 and need Season 2 to complete my collection. Of course, I waited since the Kagura release isn’t as compressed and is .mkv rather than .mp4. But even then, I would prefer Kagura to the .mp4s.
SomaHeir (uploader)
Hey guys, sorry for the late reply. I just want to say expect something on the 22th at midnight. That is all :)
SomaHeir (uploader)
I meant 21th!
SomaHeir (uploader)
Cat’s Eye Season 2 BD by Kagura is here :)
THANKS FOR the credit to Kagura and FOR SEEDING THIS everybody. About to check season one out! Super, Super cool and I’m veritably excited!@!
"Hey mate, do you have the turn A Gundam movies? link:Turn A Gundam movies v3"
link: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/530593
I have this and I’m now seeding it
Thank you.