[The Tetsuwan Dash](https://www.facebook.com/GEMtvasia/photos/the-tetsuwan-dash-returns-for-a-brand-new-second-season-can-you-guess-what-these/710810732587982/) 1, 3, 4, 5, 10.
*Rock band, TOKIO, and their guests are tasked with complicated missions while dashing to the finish line. What kind of shenanigans will they be in?*
See all Shin-chan releases [here](https://www.shinchanenglish.com/). [Join the Discord channel/server!](https://discord.gg/6eaj4KX) To contact us or chat with other people.
![The Tetsuwan Dash](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w1280/sQQh6yDvRJemeQxcKyD9opj2v2p.jpg)
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