Title: One Piece - Movies 01-06 (Bluray)
Video Format : x265 (HEVC) 10bit MKV
Resolution : 1920 X 1080
Encoded by: Judas
**Audio(Opus)**: Japanese
**Subtitles**: English
**Source**: BDmux [ZetaRebel] (31.5 GiB)
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I published this torrent when i was collaborating with Hakata Ramen team, that's the reason of the tag
**[If you like this release please seed]**
![alt text](https://image.prntscr.com/image/eoPYfQgISiOdnk4Z3DRhVA.png)
![alt text](https://image.prntscr.com/image/gTL8eQS6R4WrF_6AsIop3w.png)
![alt text](https://image.prntscr.com/image/0lWsbwiNQmuGC83gArvrzw.png)
@aptop6 Did you find any problem with the quality? Hevc codec doesn't work like the others where bitrate is the most important factor, increasing it would probably end with bigger size but same quality.
Please join our Discord and show me what's wrong on the video so we can discuss details and find a solution.
If i get more report about the quality i'll consider changing my preset. Keep in mind that the movie in this release has aired 18 years ago.
Thank you @radydragoon i'll give that a look.
@SomaHeir and @jcraw you're welcome :)
Basing on the provided screenshots, I would say they look really good. I like this!
Thank you, and hope you do the other One Piece movies (and if I can be greedy, the specials and OVAs too would be great) as well.
@judas Big fan of your work. I was wondering if you would share your encoding presets? I find that my settings still give me some pixelation. I use Handbrake nightly with the following video settings:
Video Codec: H.265 10-bit
Constant Quality: 20 RF
Framerate: Same as source - Constant Framerate
Encoder Preset: Slow
Encoder Tune: Animation
Encoder Level: 4.1
Advanced options: ref=4:bframes=6:frame-threads=4:aq-mode=3
Comments - 11
Judas (uploader)
Judas (uploader)
Judas (uploader)