I didn't want to confuse anyone who was waiting for Some-Stuffs' Pokémon 2019, so I waited until I could confirm it had been been released some time ago.
P-O fell apart after episode 7, then remained moribund for years until I finally staked it in the chest. I did, however, produce a set of raws for TOS.
As for AG: Yeah, I know I'm taking my sweet time finishing 181-192 - because I realized 89+ were inconsistent with the (much older) 1-88, and I want to be the one to release a series batch. ;) So yeah...I don't just have to do 12 episodes but 100... I'm currently downloading source material *just for the sponsor cards* which will make cutting up 1-88 a bit easier.
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sarachikorita (uploader)
sarachikorita (uploader)