| Season 1| Name song |
| Opening 1| Strike the Blood |
| Opening 2 | Fight 4 real / Altima |
| Ending 1 | Strike my soul |
| Ending 2 | Signal |
| OAV Opening | Little Charm Fang |
| OAV Ending | Kimi wa Soleil |
| Season 2| Name song |
| Opening | Blood on the EDGE |
| Ending | Fortune Number 0405 |
| Season 3| Name song |
| Opening | Blood and Emotions |
| Ending | Love Stoic |
| Season 4| Name song |
| Opening | Akatsuki no Kailedo Blood |
| Ending | Dear My Hero |
| OAV Ending | Dear My Hero |
TV size extract from BD.
[Full version](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1250684)
[All Strike the blood series disc](https://vgmdb.net/product/3838)
No offense, but did you extract the tracks from the BDrip releases or are they the real TV size version? I have noticed that the volume of the music is comparatively lower in the videos as opposed to the actual track. So if these are original then I will download them(I have a low data cap so need to conserve them for other downloads). Please do reply
Comments - 2
adnsix (uploader)