This release has been upscaled with the Gigapixel AI.
You can also read it online here:
This Upload also Includes the following Extras:
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou - Book of Paintings
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou - Postcard Book
Here are some 1x1 resolution comparison shots between the original scans and the upscale:
Comments - 16
“Epilouge” is immortal.
Manga_and_Stuff (uploader)
@Spc_away what is that supposed to mean?
it means you can’t spell
Manga_and_Stuff (uploader)
@herkz it’s french… so this only counts as like half a typo… at best
nice work, upscaled looks so great! thanks alot.
One good excuse to re-read this manga.
@Manga_and_Stuff, some pages are still blurry. For example, file “Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou v01 c000 012.jpg” ( the top left part is noticeably blurred. Can you fixed these various blurry pages? There’s quite a few that gigapixel ai didn’t catch.
Manga_and_Stuff (uploader)
@moredrowsy Gigapixel catched everything just fine
But it handles some panels better than others.
And the only ways to fix this is to either manually redraw the panels or just scanning the manga again, something I would love to do but I can’t afford the physical copies.
I am sorry to say but this is as good as it gets with these low res scans…
i saw on your blog you used noise compression and blur. don’t do that, it looks like smeared shit, like moredrowsy pointed out.
also at the very least credit yugen ykk if you’re just gonna straight up steal their scans
Manga_and_Stuff (uploader)
okay seriously… Do you honestly think I didn’t try different settings to see what looks best?
Do you honestly believe I just sat there like "oh boy these settings make everything look blurry and smeared… yup those are the settings I am going with."
I mean seriously did you expect these upscales to look as good as proper HD scans or why are you complaining?
And if you think you can do it better then please, go ahead. I invite you to let your Graphics card run on 100% for hours to upscale this manga again with your magic settings that make low res scans look better than the physical prints. It took 7 hours with a 1070 just to give you a bit of perspective.
Thanks for your work man!
Giga did pretty damn well I think. There’s always gonna be some smudge with these but I think I prefer a bit of that when I compare it to the low res originals. I appreciate your work. Especially since there’s a chance we will never get an official high res release or an official English release. Good timing too cause I was looking to read Yokohama again and now it won’t look so blurry on my tablet.
Thank you so much for this, it looks so good and this definitely deserves a high quality release
thanks for using gifs