Wow! Motorboarding? Seriosly!? Crunchyroll used Motorboarding instead of Puff-Puff. Motorboarding is in the Urban Dictionary, and has the exact same meaning of Puff-Puff for English speaking audiences. It still sounds weird though, plus Puff-Puff is in the game localizations as Puff-Puff.
Comments - 6
is this like sync with subplease release i don’t want to download a new one lol the file size will kill my hard drive
tenshisubs (uploader)
No. These are modified Crunchyroll subtitles that have changes in the script such as grammar errors, changing the localizations back to their original terms and names.
why the file size is so big?
tenshisubs (uploader)
Those are from Amazon Japan video. Their video quality is better than Crunchyroll.
@tenshisubs Thanks a lot!