![alt text](https://nkssubs.files.wordpress.com/2021/01/toe-fix.png "no battery icon!")
Welcome; it's been a while. Hope everyone is handling COVID-19 well.
Decided to replay Tales of Eternia after 20 years, and noticed this annoying battery icon in the top right corner that is displayed 100% of the time. Quite an eyesore. Decided to make a fix that removes that battery icon. Enjoy.
btc - bc1qlhzaw4yc935yyd46ge0a6xpawnela8g55mefad
The Japanese version does not have it present, only the European version. And the icon does not show up in ppsspp due to battery being disabled so sceimposegetbatteryiconstatus is returning nothing in the emulator when it’s called for. This is pretty much for playing on actual hardware only.
Comments - 5
nks (uploader)
nks (uploader)