[Only for mystery fans, no online-playng,thanks.It has original subtitles and this is a re-air version raw (not HDTV) so i use x264 to rip it.]
シリーズ江戸川乱歩短編集II 妖しい愛の物語 第2回「黒手組」 16/12/27 満島ひかりが名探偵・明智小五郎を演じて話題となったシリーズ第2弾。黒手組と呼ばれる犯罪集団に令嬢が誘拐され身代金が奪われる。明智は令嬢に宛てたハガキに注目する。.
Comments - 4
Thank you so much for this! Would you also happen to have raws for the first series (1925-nen no Akechi Kogoro)?
xiaodeyu (uploader)
You’re welcome. it’s really sorry I didn’t record all series of this(I collected a version of 1st from other up’s, it has hard subs and it wasn’t mine,so…) i will notice if this series re-air, thanks for understanding.
Thanks a lot for replying. No problem at all. Thanks again!
xiaodeyu (uploader)
It was noting, you’re quite welcome~^ ^ (sorry for reply late, my net was blocked for this month…orz)