[DC] Skies of Arcadia Uncensored Undub [English] :: Nyaa ISS

[DC] Skies of Arcadia Uncensored Undub [English]

2021-10-10 00:27 UTC
File size:
739.7 MiB
Info hash:
Skies of Arcadia Uncensored Undub by fafadou. Prepatched for you’re convenience. Enjoy! btc - bc1qlhzaw4yc935yyd46ge0a6xpawnela8g55mefad

File list

What was ever censored?
Here is the list of censored elements that have been restored in this version: -Dyne and Willy (Gilder's parrot) characters now have a Cigar in every scene they appear in (except one for Dyne, but that's normal given the storyline), including in the introduction and game credits images. -The victory pose where Gilder had his parrot that came to rest on the shoulder is now replaced by that of Gilder who takes out a Cigar. Note that this victory pose is triggered if you have a moderate amount of life. -A new drunk NPC has been added on the sailors' island. He has translated dialogue lines. -Belena's belly dancer skin is more stripped, taking the original artwork -Vigoro's skin, when he heavily flirts with Aika, is also more naked, he doesn't have any armor anymore but a little tank top. He keeps this outfit when we face him afterwards. -Blood has been added in the scene where Ramirez speaks to the heroes before the final fight.
Thanks for the undub and @kirgakuen for the prepatched notes :)
What is this even for? PC or emulation? Wasn't this game on GameCube?
I see my question was completely ignored and it's not even in ISO format so I can't even use it on Dolphin. So "DC" means Dreamcast.
@ Shaun The GCN port was titled "Skies of Arcadia Legends" and I arrived here precisely thinking Nyaa had an Undub version of the GCN port. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it. However, it's on the [web](https://www.gameginie.com/skies-of-arcadia-legends/). I don't necessarily think English dubs are bad, but I do prefer the original Japanese most of the time.