![alt text](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gamia_gamepedia_en/images/e/e8/IMG_201609248_121857.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20180806161723 "ever17")
#### Description
Ever17 is the tale of seven individuals who become trapped 51 meters below the surface in the underwater marine theme park 'LeMU'. After an incident, almost half of LeMU becomes flooded, and the path to the surface and the communication lines are cut off. In addition, LeMU is under constant assault by severe water pressure, limiting time to find a means of escape to 119 hours. Escape is not the only concern, however; many questions arise as to the legitimacy of the accident and whether or not those trapped there were brought there for a purpose.
Prepatched content:
* Himmel Edition improvement patch. List of changes [**here**](https://old.reddit.com/r/InfinitySeries/comments/mbkbhn/ever17_himmel_edition_repost/).
* Ever17 PC Voice Patch.
The Extras folder contains:
* Optional patches: Ever17 Xbox360 BGM Patch, PSP Opening and alternative textbox.
* Ever17 manga (only 4 chapters scanlated) and Anthology Collection (Japanese).
* Ever17 Drama CDs with translated script.
* Ever17 Xbox 360 Epilogue translated script.
This is the 2D version instead of the 360 3D models? It kinda looks like you added a mix of 360 and PSP content.
Good stuff!
Is there something similar to this for Never7 -The End of Infinity- and Remember11 -The Age of Infinity?
Prepatched content with fixes and bonuses?
Hope you upload them sometime!
You can find this thread for Remember11 (7 months ago):
DL link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/vryj2gcw7v49tf3/R11-Gestalt-v1.2.1.zip/file
For Never7, i found this (1 year ago):
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