One Piece - Digital Colored Comics v20-24 (2021) (Colored Council) :: Nyaa ISS

One Piece - Digital Colored Comics v20-24 (2021) (Colored Council)

2021-11-08 05:25 UTC
File size:
940.6 MiB
Info hash:

File list

  • One Piece - Digital Colored Comics
    • One Piece - Digital Colored Comics v20 (2021) (Colored Council).cbz (188.9 MiB)
    • One Piece - Digital Colored Comics v21 (2021) (Colored Council).cbz (164.4 MiB)
    • One Piece - Digital Colored Comics v22 (2021) (Colored Council).cbz (191.0 MiB)
    • One Piece - Digital Colored Comics v23 (2021) (Colored Council).cbz (210.1 MiB)
    • One Piece - Digital Colored Comics v24 (2021) (Colored Council).cbz (186.1 MiB)
You guys are the best. We really needed these considering how the colored volumes that already exist in Nyaa feel quite outdated in comparison to yours. Keep up the good work.
whats different this?

KojoUn (uploader)

We have better quality raws and use the official translation. The old one used fan translations which were pretty inconsistent (sometimes it was okay and other times it’s pretty bad)
You guys are legends.
I'm anxiously waiting for your guys to finish volume 50-55. Can't wait to read Marine Ford in high quality . Keep up the good work. ❤️❤️❤️
Then i will dl yours.
You're running the files through a topaz filter that adjust sharpness of outlines and blurs the colors. The official shueisha digital color releases are 1200 px raster height jpg files (I've checked ebookjapan, jump+, jump bookstore, zebrack, Apple Books japan, etc). The official english digital b/w releases are 2290 px raster height png files (so huge difference in quality). France has a print version digital colored manga which is not even the case in Japan so I imagine glenat is probably the best source. Do you guys have a discord?

KojoUn (uploader)

I'm pretty sure the only french version out there is the one scanlated by Chromatique and those were also filtered.
why naruto colored version removed from colored manga ?

KojoUn (uploader)

Because the rest of the volumes plus the first five volumes redone in better quality will come out in one big batch.
okay sir thanks really appreciate your effort 👌👍👍👍
can you do this colored thing for tsui no taimashi ender geister?

KojoUn (uploader)

We don't color, we just edit the translations onto the official colored raws.