"The Chronicle of the Heroic Knight" is adapted from the novel "Nightwalker: Twenty Years of Peaceful Demons", which tells the story of an aspiring young man Hou Mo who, in an accident, stimulates the potential ability of his genes in his body and becomes a warrior from a city villain to help the strong and the weak. He overcomes his own shortcomings, crosses himself, and gradually grows into a responsible and committed new youth. With a group of partners who also have special talents, "Rogue Alliance", he fights with the evil organization "Ferryman" and fulfills his righteous mission as a member of the Rogue Alliance.
Some of the Google Translate quality plot summaries leave me wondering just what the ....... am I going to actually be watching when I get around to some series. The easier to understand plot outlines also let me put in order viewing priorities. However, if you haven't seen the show, things can't be helped. No worries, it's all good!!
Comments - 4
Sauron (uploader)