Title: Kaguya-Sama Wa Kokurasetai (Love is War) - Special 1 [Ishigami Yuu wa Kataritai] (Chapter 110 Adaptation)
WEB 1080p
### No the video is not up-scaled, I used the Official RAW version of the OVA from the Japanese Kaguya-Sama Website!
Source: Kaguya-Sama Japanese Site WEBRIP
Subs: (Anime Chap) Edited Official Anipliex Subs Re-Formatted & Corrected by Anime Chap
### Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/animechap
- Synopsis: Adaptation of the 110th chapter of the manga to announce the third season of Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai.
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/885311036427755570/914096890407186472/unknown.png)
Note 1: These subs work with quite a few releases of the Special Episode! I’ve tested them with 1 or 2 different uploads of the show and they all sync up well but I would recommend using this version for the best experience! But if you don’t want to download everything again head to my Discord and grab just the SUB files.
*Join the Anime Chap discord for early releases! I upload the individual sub files as soon as I finish editing them so join my server for those sweet, sweet early sub file releases - https://discord.gg/wWSKTRQvXa*
P.S: I’ll seed myself as-and-when I can but I need as much bandwidth as I can for my job so it won’t be 24/7 - If there are no seeders or you want me to seed, drop a comment bellow and I’ll start seeding again - Or join my Discord and shoot a message over and I’ll seed or upload to Mega!!!
File list
Kaguya-Sama Wa Kokurasetai - SP01E01 Chapter 110.mkv (116.7 MiB)
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