Full PS Classic romset, contains all games from North America, Europe, South Korea and South East Asia. Things a hunk a shit but it was free so i figured i might as well dump it, to be fair once you mod it its not bad but unless you physically cant find a pi its not worth it, even the controllers suck.
Comments - 4
Are there advantages by using these backups over the ones originally released for PS1?
SNES Classic had Star Fox 2 which was never released before, but I don’t remember the PS1 Classic had anything like that. If anything, it was worse (they included Tekken 3 PAL).
Mdsn (uploader)
@Impakt No idea, honestly dont really care about the ps classic, just had the files, didnt see them hosted anywhere and figured someone might want em. but as lazy as sony was w the system, i doubt it. shit they didnt even bother optimizing ;the emulator and half the games were 50 Hz
Yeah, thanks for sharing.
Someone will probably find these files useful. What a shame PS1 Classics was pretty much an AT Games-like product.
Mdsn (uploader)
if you mod it and replace the os its on par with a pi 3 but takes waay more work