Translation: Tsukishiro
This game act as an epilogue to the anime’s story and was released with the last DVD and Blu-ray Disc volume for the Rewrite anime.
Change system locale to Japanese.
“To run the game, drag Siglus Engine onto the AlphaROM icon. Or you can open AlphaROM, check the middle box, then drag Siglus Engine onto it to make a shortcut.
There’s no wordwrap, so I manually added extra spaces so words wouldn’t break.
It makes the backlog view messier, but the regular text is cleaner.
Menus aren’t translated (for now) but that shouldn’t be much of an issue.”
Link to the ending song lyrics. Credit goes to Shiranehito.
Comments - 3
Can you upload the original Rewrite game as well? Would love to play this right from the beginning :)
Good job!
@SomaHeir You can download the original Rewrite game english translated here -->
Also, OP, do you mind to upload Rewrite Oka-ken (parts 1 and 2) english translated as well? It seems nobody has uploaded them on Nyaa yet