Kare Kano - His or Her Circumstances v01-04 (XRA-Empire) :: Nyaa ISS

Kare Kano - His or Her Circumstances v01-04 (XRA-Empire)

2022-07-05 05:10 UTC
File size:
818.5 MiB
Info hash:
DDL: https://mega.nz/folder/9kBHTDTY#ezrG_pGn-sbbtwBlaLzHOw I'm taking over scanning this series starting from volume 4, fantastic editing by XRA-Empire. As a side note, I am looking for editors for the official versions of Blood Alone, Fate/Stay Night 11 (only volume not available digitally), Genju no Seiza (from the creator of Petshop of Horrors), Songs to Make You Smile (from the creator of Fruits Basket), Tsubasa: Those With Wings (from the creator of Fruits Basket) please contact me on Discord tachikoma#5803 (Or tell me if the mega links for this are down)

File list

  • Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances
    • Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v01 (2003) (KickTheKitty+XRA-Empire).cbz (196.3 MiB)
    • Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v02 (2003) (KickTheKitty+XRA-Empire).cbz (205.1 MiB)
    • Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v03 (2003) (KickTheKitty+XRA-Empire).cbz (208.7 MiB)
    • Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v04 (2003) (c2c) (morrolan+XRA-Empire).cbz (208.4 MiB)
Thank you for showing older series some love, especially Kare Kano! ❤
thank you for this!!
Thanks. It truly is a shame that some really well-known older series haven't had digital re-releases.
Ohhh! Thank you so much! I loved this series <3
I've wanted to read this manga for ten years now. Thanks.
Hello , are there any chances you could rip " Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung " novel from Kindle Unlimited ? Thanks
Here's extra DDL in case something happens :) Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v01 (2003) (KickTheKitty+XRA-Empire) https://mega.nz/#!qrJVFCDa!CULxOC4G3sZajGd9XIz_2d8ZSJ_y8mxiAEca05DyR-g Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v02 (2003) (KickTheKitty+XRA-Empire) https://mega.nz/file/QslCSSAI#jVMZo4p5IC9WHJ8SBFc0HcjH5xs7ZZRxPkHreWojLLQ Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v03 (2003) (KickTheKitty+XRA-Empire) https://mega.nz/file/eHRH3Cxb#B1IZhwinJHhlP6AVz5L63MMN9-fYHeODxud5CbCWUjI Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v04 (2003) (c2c) (morrolan+XRA-Empire) https://mega.nz/#!x1Ew2QwZ!qJUe4jpZFVGSuz-OmA3cqZNUOXGf8k8BVhFzgeMbgTc https://mega.nz/file/x1Ew2QwZ#qJUe4jpZFVGSuz-OmA3cqZNUOXGf8k8BVhFzgeMbgTc THANK YOU!
Volume 5 here! Kare Kano - His and Her Circumstances v05 (2003) (morrolan+XRA-Empire) https://mega.nz/file/8CtlSIBL#jqER94yuwWtbBBjap9DCbVu6HeK742W_EHU_a0Z1IB8
Thanks for the link to the new volume. Are these releases also being posted on a separate site somewhere?