[Reza] Inuyasha S1 (001-027) [BDRip 1080p HEVC FLAC] (Dual Audio) :: Nyaa ISS

[Reza] Inuyasha S1 (001-027) [BDRip 1080p HEVC FLAC] (Dual Audio)

2023-04-13 03:25
File size:
144.9 GiB
Info hash:

This time I swear its not actually bloat, the episodes need it

The sources for this show are all lacking in different ways. The US has color issues that I wasn’t able to sort out. The spanish BD, despite not having been deinterlaced, is also a poor choice due to cut songs and poor compression overall. I went out and got the JPBDs and they are awful. Being cropped aside the compression they have is just terrible and arguably the worst BD in that aspect.
The source for this is the ITA bd since that one is by far the best BD. It also has the most grain intact, though there are parts where it still falls apart. I tried to fix those a bit but there is only so much that can be done given how strong the film grain is already

The main issue I found with the ITA bd is that the audio and video do not sync with the other BDs and short of manually spicing every episode in several places there is not a clean way to get audio and subs to sync with the US. I ended up settling for using sushi for that along with the subs, which I then snapped to keyframes. I do know there are a few parts that have minor issues in the dub audio but its not very realistic for me to manually correct the audio for every single episode. If there are any major issues or subs shifted wrong let me know and I will try to get a timely fix out for it. I found 2 places where there was a hiccup but those were less than a second and not too bad.

S2: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1722054

File list

  • [Reza] Inuyasha
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E001 (001).mkv (5.8 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E002 (002).mkv (5.0 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E003 (003).mkv (5.6 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E004 (004).mkv (5.6 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E005 (005).mkv (5.6 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E006 (006).mkv (5.9 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E007 (007).mkv (5.8 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E008 (008).mkv (5.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E009 (009).mkv (5.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E010 (010).mkv (5.4 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E011 (011).mkv (5.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E012 (012).mkv (5.4 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E013 (013).mkv (5.2 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E014 (014).mkv (5.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E015 (015).mkv (5.4 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E016 (016).mkv (4.9 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E017 (017).mkv (5.0 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E018 (018).mkv (4.9 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E019 (019).mkv (4.9 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E020 (020).mkv (5.0 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E021 (021).mkv (5.4 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E022 (022).mkv (5.6 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E023 (023).mkv (5.8 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E024 (024).mkv (5.9 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E025 (025).mkv (5.7 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E026 (026).mkv (4.8 GiB)
    • [Reza] - Inuyasha - S01E027 (027).mkv (5.1 GiB)

Reza27 (uploader)


re upped because of torrent file issue.

Reza27 (uploader)


deleting again because herkz keeps bullying me

for the year 2024 onward must use av1 i’m start seeing HEVC becoming less effective in compression algorithm.

Reza27 (uploader)


sure av1 might make it smaller, but thats after it annihilates all of the film grain

2024 because it’ll take that long to encode this anime if you use av1?

AV1 has its advantage in frames (B, P and intra frames), but it’s slower in transcoding, not least because of insufficient support for CPU cores and instruction set extensions. It doesn’t allow compatible General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) per Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU) and per Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) and isn’t supported by Windows Media Preview.

Now I’m start thinking bias from h264 to h265 and av1 all the compressions rely depends on grains? so av1 will be softer or the grans nuked to save space?

also i don’t wanna hear about technical stuff knowledge, just wanna hear general answers.



HEVC + grain = bad idea

Have you seen the UK BD of S1? It’s pretty good overall and lacks some of the IVTC artifacting the IT BD has.

Reza27 (uploader)


first of all the masters themselves are deinterlaced so I really doubt they are better in that regard. I also undid a lot of the damage anyways so the most important thing is gonna be grain retention and I highly doubt the UK would be better considering I have yet to see a UK bd that wasn’t awful. The episodes are also half a gig smaller than IT bd as well
also the grain retention from filtering to encode is more than good enough here and better than the BD overall as well.

Thanks for actually trying to tackle this show, every time I look at the available sources it seems like a nightmare.

Also echoing the UK BD thing. Fabrebatalla did a comparison and concluded that the UK one is the best, if just by a bit.

Of course the issue with that one is that it’s been over a year since S1 came out and they have yet to announce another release - although afaik the IT BD also only covers the first 50 episodes and doesn’t have another release announced? It’s really a shame that all the best BD releases of this show are incomplete.

Reza27 (uploader)


I already bought the entire series for italian BDs including the movies and final act. I’ll take a look when I get home but according to the dynit encoder the masters themselves are deinterlaced already.

Reza27 (uploader)


looking at the comp, at least from mobile I dont see how the UK is supposed to be better. sure the line art is a little better(?) out of the box but that issue on the IT can be fixed by using a better deinterlacer like nnedi3. the compression on the UK also seems far worse and smudges said lines a lot as well

Oh hey, they did do the whole series. I just looked at the Dynit website and international sites and not at their store. My bad. In that case, yeah, absolutely go with the Italian BD instead of waiting on Anime Ltd. to maybe get another BD set out in a few years.

Reza27 (uploader)


I also ended up buying the new JPBDs and if anyone is considering it spend your money somewhere else. they are cropped and arguably the worst out of all of them in terms of compression. it also seems that they may have been a lower quality scan that was then upscaled several times. based on the testing I did when they came out.

I like this!
Thank you for your hard work! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

I’ll take a look when I get home but according to the dynit encoder the masters themselves are deinterlaced already.

IIRC it’s more complicated than that. I don’t know if the Japanese streaming master is interlaced or progressive, but Viz Media’s home video master is interlaced. The IT BD is predominantly the Japanese streaming master with elements spliced in from Viz’s one (like the openings which were changed in the streaming ver). This also accounts for subtitles/audio not matching other releases. It’s quite literally a mix of the two available masters to try and present the best case scenario. The UK BD on the other hand is based on Viz’s masters and was deinterlaced on their end before encoding.

Thanks made me relive my highschool days where some fat bitch used to dress up as Kagome.

Reza27 (uploader)


I looked at it this morning. The best release would be the ITABD with the missing field spliced in from the SPABD and the UKBD for OPs and such that don’t match up. I was told by an encoder for dynit the masters they got were sent by the japanese were already deinterlaced and for scenes that were really bad they upscaled the old SD masters and spliced that in, which is why I assume it doesn’t match up. If I had unlimited free time I would love to line up everything from the ITABD to the USBD to keep the audio from there, and then do the same with the SPABD and the UKBD but for this many episodes that is just not feasible. That is why I settled on just using the ITABD as a standalone source rather than dealing with the very tedious effort of manually splicing at least a hundred episodes.

German test on the codecs AV1 and HEVC in direct comparison with their specific advantages and disadvantages:

Original (German): https://www.winxdvd.com/video-converter-de/av1-vs-hevc.htm#compressionefficiency
Google Translator (to English): https://www-winxdvd-com.translate.goog/video-converter-de/av1-vs-hevc.htm?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Thanks you and please keep going! I really want this release

Reza27 (uploader)


That test is stupid. The HEVC encode settings used are not at all what are used my any of the encoders who want transparency and know what they are doing. Tests done, even in av1 discord servers, have shown that the only time av1 is better is at very low bitrates, where the video is not going to be transparent at all anyways. If you want to shit out minis then sure it’s better. But for quality releases it it not the way to go at this time.

I second this. AV1 encoding software cannot make transparent encodes in their current state. We’re currently in the era of “this av1 encode looks great for its size”

Dude this is incredible. I can’t describe how happy it would make me if you gave the rest of the series this same treatment, it looks INCREDIBLE on my TV too! I sampled one episode and compared to my existing version I have in my collection, and immediately just deleted Season 1 from the existing file and swapped this version in. Looking forward to seeing the rest, thanks so much!

So this has all the kept songs? I’m surprised you didn’t consider the US BD since it also has the kept songs? Does it look bad compared to ITA?

Appreciate this! I’ll use this for sure!

Reza27 (uploader)


@SomaHeir this has all of the original songs in it as well as the dual audio. The USBD is awful and the colors are messed up and couldn’t be fixed from what me and others were trying. The ITABD is what I consider the best one since despite being deinterlaced it has by far the best grain retention. I tried to sync sources with the video rather than audio and it seems it would take several hours per episode to get it to line up and I would have to line up 3 different sources to properly use the other BDs to replace the missing field for the ITABD. To get the audio to sync I’m rewriting a lot of the code for sushi.net so that it syncs with better accuracy and I’ll redo this section of the show as well and just release a batch release with the entire series.

Thank you so much for this release. I just bought the first 3 Viz BDs solely for the missing OPs and EDs being there, not realzing their visual issues and was disgusted when I saw the terrible deinterlacing artifacts and frame stutter. Immediately came to Nyaa and found this to salve my wounds, I definitely won’t be purchasing any of the remaining US BDs, they don’t deserve my money for that quality of work.