[Setsugen] Genjitsu no Yohane꞉ SUNSHINE in the MIRROR - 01 (WEB 1080p AAC) [51A702B8].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[Setsugen] Genjitsu no Yohane꞉ SUNSHINE in the MIRROR - 01 (WEB 1080p AAC) [51A702B8].mkv

2023-07-05 00:03
File size:
1000.0 MiB
Info hash:

I’m too sleep deprived to write something, reload tomorrow and this might have been replaced with something that makes sense.

EP02 this week too, then there shouldn’t be any more delays xoxo

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Translation: kashi
Translation Check: ozeusama
Editing: Nazaki
Typesetting: witchymary
Song TL: Bakayalo (OP-INS)
Song Styling/KFX: SHSL_Ezra (OP), 9volt (INS)
Encoding: Setsugen
Timing: Nyarthur
Quality Check: petzku, Setsugen

Yohane’s a cutie btw


File list

  • [Setsugen] Genjitsu no Yohane꞉ SUNSHINE in the MIRROR - 01 (WEB 1080p AAC) [51A702B8].mkv (1000.0 MiB)

Setsugennoao (uploader)


you watch shonen shit.

imagine if fansubbers completed actually good shows instead of working on idolshit

"X show is garbage"
my brother in christ you pick what you watch

@ Setsugennoao Why are you using : in the filename? This is an illegal character on Windows and will literally just crash clients who try to download this. It’s why renown groups like SubsPlease/others always change it to -. Please fix this.

Setsugennoao (uploader)


dude it’s literally a utf8 char. if your program only works with ascii, i can’t even blame the program but only you for installing and using it

This is an illegal character on Windows and will literally just crash clients who try to download this.

putting this in every filename from now on

I’m not even talking about myself, I’m asking why you would do it knowing a portion of users won’t be able to watch this. You don’t realize how many people still use those clients. I dunno why you’re fighting me on it even knowing all other groups already change it. You post those releases so everyone can download it and I’m only asking you to conform to that. If you don’t then you do you it’s your release either way.

But thanks for this anyway, I appreciate everyone’s work on it.

Setsugennoao (uploader)


@herkz it isn’t though; he’s referring to : and not , which is what I use

@dexster duuuuuuuude i’m literally using windows, your issue is just non-existant

I agree it should be changed, but not because the character is illegal (it’s literally part of utf-8 and works on Windows). You should change it because it looks bad in filenames!!!

Setsugennoao (uploader)


literally looks like a normal :, or do you have fucked windows system fonts too? send a chrome screenshot buddy

@herkz no you gotta add a file called con or one of the other reserved filenames, so they can’t delete it without using powershell!

Okay, sorry if I’m in the wrong here. Thanks again for the release.

Setsugennoao (uploader)


np, enjoy the episode. yohane’s fun and dumb

she is insanely dumb (and fun)

Not a LL or idol fan but this show looks well-crafted and fun and gooberific, thank you

How will this affect LeBron’s legacy?

There’s a lot of comments.


@Reza27 There’s a reason why anime fans like this stuff, and I’m gonna stop here.

based, thanks for the subs!

commenting for the algorythm :

Thanks. Fuck the haters.

Some people just love to trample on others’ passions. Seriously screw that attitude and its examples like hate towards idols/idol shows.

@Yumari: they feel they get cucked when subber work for stuff subber like instead of autist shit said troll likes.

Site like these usually preach free speech but if I say kys they ban me. Well that troll above just send death threat, I call double standard if I get banned/warning
@that troll: kill your self. no one loves you or your autistic show you beg Setsugen to sub.

(this site should let us edit comment)
The only thing Setsugen sub that isnt an idol show is a harem show. Is that what this is about? sending death threat to subber because you like their sub but not on show you like?
This troll is the equivalent of 4channers seeing anime reaction pic and thinking “anime poster is shitting my place!” when it is an anime website to begin with.