[Reza] Gintama - S01E012-024 [DVDRip 480p HEVC FLAC] :: Nyaa ISS

[Reza] Gintama - S01E012-024 [DVDRip 480p HEVC FLAC]

2023-11-02 01:03
File size:
13.7 GiB
Info hash:

Second cour finally here. Got this done pretty quickly and I think its mostly issue free. As always any help would be appreciated. The most helpful thing would he people to help retime and restyle the small amount of TS that is there. If you want this to properly resize and crop itself you must be on a new build of MPV, and the the video will play as 711x533. The next season of inuyasha finished yesterday so ill try to get that uploaded soon.

File list

  • [Reza] Gintama
    • NCs
      • [Reza] Gintama - NCED02.mkv (60.6 MiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E013.mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E014.mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E015.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E016.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E017.mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E018.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E019.mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E020.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E021.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E022.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E023.mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [Reza] Gintama - S01E024.mkv (1.1 GiB)

Subs causing incorrect video length. CBT has same problem so guess no one noticed.

Also duplicate segment / encoding problem after 25:05 in ep 18. Repeats the whole ED without sound. Splicing in segments and duplicated by mistake? CBT doesn’t have this issue.

Maybe should run the script through some automated quality checks such as improper spacing and other things too.

Also once again still removing signs compared to CBT because assuming don’t want to lazily translate / ts it. While this one isn’t that important, it makes me question what was removed, like in your previous release.
I can understand not wanting to ts everything but removing is dumb, especially considering you leave some signs untouched like here.

Sick black screen TS. Both opening and ending cards lol.

Some TS could really use a lot of work too but since you are actively trying to reach out to improve it, it’s better than leaving top-screen translating I guess. Just some signs have effort put into them while others don’t.

You are also very inconsistent here. Some episodes you kept the [ ] brackets while others you didn’t? Likewise, the Red Caption styling is not consistent between every episode.

Some chapter marks are completely off like ep 23 OP since it has a scene in the beginning and has the next chapter only 10 seconds after. Quite a few episodes that need chapter fixing.

Some title cards you just completely ignored to TS? Also frame bleeding Preview text. Feel like if you are even going to bother overlaying some opening/ending titles for episodes, it’s an all or nothing kind of deal otherwise just leave how it’s normally signed.
link666 link900

I think its mostly issue free.

These are surface level QC issues with me just randomly scanning. I’m going to stop here because I’m worried about what else I’ll come across and who knows what issues exist within the first 12 episodes since I barely even touched those. Please have a second person help you go through / watch before you release, or at least actually review your changes before making it public. I do see the effort put into making a good gintama release and would like to see this eventually finished, just… it’s another reza release filled with issues.

Reza27 (uploader)


I spent like 15 minutes on average per episode like I said before I am sure there is gonna be issues. Either the subs get left just as shitty as before or I slowly release some of this at a time and fix issues after. all of the title TS worked when I did it in aegisub so it might be a layering config issue, but ill double check. Regardless I’ll probably keep releasing as is, with fixes for every few cours and just have everything from the DVD stuff fixed before its batched with BDs later. Either that or I just stop caring enough to put out encodes for this, who knows.

Subs causing incorrect video length. CBT has same problem so guess no one noticed.

Literal config issue? mpv ignores subtitle lengths from extending the video length

Reza27 (uploader)


Episode 18 issue is the NC. I used trims that were made with d2vindex months ago but when I reindexed I missed that it wasn’t trimmed out at the end. Also due to how incredibly inconsistent CR is there is no way to automate pretty much anything. The styles used through the show change and the styles that are being used also change. What I was doing was just importing styles from the same script and changing stuff to match that style instead.

Literal config issue?

Config issue my .ass. It’s caused by the subs not my config / mpv. Stop being stupid.

Dialogue: 0,0:55:22.80,0:55:43.00,Main01,HIJIKATA,0,0,0,,Get him!
Dialogue: 0,0:55:43.80,0:56:04.00,Main01,SAMURAI,0,0,0,,Oh!

mpv ignores subtitle lengths from extending the video length

Maybe when loose loaded, not embedded / muxed.

Config issue my .ass. It’s caused by the subs not my config / mpv. Stop being stupid.

No, mpv doesn’t allow subtitles to extend video length. Config issue.

I trust what Scott the Wiwaz has to say regarding MPV config issues

Reza27 (uploader)


the video is not being extended in the first place though, if you go to 24:55 the video simply stops.

No one claimed otherwise. But if you think it’s fine for the media player (and mediainfo) to report 56 minutes of duration for a 25 minutes episode, you’re probably experiencing some serious lack of sleep

Reza27 (uploader)


this seems like an issue of you taking things way too serious. How does one incorrectly reported duration actually affect the watching experience? I’ll be fixed when I do a new batch for the first few cours but its by no means broken in the first place

its by no means broken in the first place

I would consider an extreme mistiming of lines to be broken. I showed you which two lines it is above, just move it back to where the translation is suppose to be. The duration being improper is a symptom to the actual issue. Blame CR, blame CBT, whatever. It should be fixed alongside the other actual issues from your changes. Just now you should probably also be checking the mediainfo / duration to see if the subs are causing problems or your OP/ED splicing because there’s precedent for both.

Please QC or have someone assist. 🙏

one day Id like to do a proper release of all 360 eps