**Touhou Project All-In-One Pack**, ver. 2023-11-15
This pack is intended to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for anyone wishing to play the official Touhou Project games in English and/or Japanese.
This fifth version adds the newest games, an improved PC-98 experience, and new tools, while removing redundant and obsolete materials.
If you find any errors or would like to offer any suggestions, please let me know at [the discussion board](https://tomatoes.moe/thmp/), or contact me directly at [
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected]).
And of course, while this torrent is provided for the sake of convenience, you should absolutely [support ZUN by purchasing the games](https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Purchasing_Guide) if you can.
Please **read the README** for full explanations of what everything is and how to use it.
- Original Japanese versions of every official game to date
- The latest build of thcrap, for playing games in other languages
- English-patched versions of games not supported by thcrap
- DOSBox-X, an emulator for playing 1 through 5
- Vpatch, which provides various utilities for older Windows games
- THPrac, a powerful practice tool which can also fix several bugs
- A DirectX converter, for fixing some serious issues in Windows 10
- A key remapper, for custom controls or playing on non-QWERTY keyboards
- DiskExplorer, a utility for viewing and editing PC-98 disk images
- Rollcaster, a netplay utility for 7.5
- Adonis, a netplay utility for 9
- SokuRoll, a netplay utility for 12.3
- The AoCF Netplay Patch for 15.5
- TH19P2vP, a netplay utility for 19
- A readme that explains how to use everything in detail
*Note*: [Updates](http://tasofro.net/touhou175/download.html) are available for TH17.5.
*Things we think are cool!*
The Touhou98 Experience: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1743332
Soku Rewired: https://soku.delthas.fr/
Comprehensive Touhou Torrent: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1058859
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