v2 of the episodes that previously had VOBSUB subtitles.
Video primarily from the CR English streams, with some exceptions to account for missing openings and endings and proper framerate.
Video: H264 1920x1080 8mbps not reencoded where possible, HEVC 1920x1080 CRF16 when reencoding was necessary. VFR from 453 onwards.
Audio: Japanese, English
Subtitles: English (official)
[**PATCH**](https://mega.nz/#!4flSlJqb!fCJZvpxVVi3HaS85dCuZTZwYpxeIScGvU8We-pnmuXQ) (**18 MiB**) for the [v1s](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1766667)
[**SUBS+FONTS**](https://mega.nz/#!kPljnRSD!yG6Zg6msaZxt-d_4jWKkhjIotKqFLEZW1Q96efmWW4w) (1 MiB)
There is no point in mirroring 120 GiB again. Either use the patch or just install the fonts, put the subs into your (global) [mpv subs directory](https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#options-sub-file-paths) and watch the v1s.
Why did you not provide a patch yourself?
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