[SobsPlease] Girls Band Cry - 01 (1080p) [0351EB74].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[SobsPlease] Girls Band Cry - 01 (1080p) [0351EB74].mkv

2024-04-18 23:07 UTC
File size:
1.9 GiB
Info hash:
Released by SobsPlease group. [![Image](https://i.imgur.com/rPXJR3b.png)](https://i.imgur.com/cRwiGjs.png) We've finally gotten a lot of groundwork done, episode 2 shouldn't be too far behind. Hype! | **Role** | **Staff** | | --- | --- | | **Translation** | Areki | | **Editing** | Balduran | | **Translation Checking** | Yon | | **Typesetting** | witchymary, Areki, petzku, Nyarthur | | **Timing** | petzku | | **Encoding** | Zewia | | **Quality Checking** | rcombs, Period, Akemi | | **Song Editing** | rcombs | | **Song Styling** | Zahuczky (OP), petzku (ED) | | **K-Timing** | Period, arctan | We only support [mpv](https://mpv.io/)! Please try out a recent mpv build if you run into any playback issues. Report any issues you find in our [Discord's public QC channel](https://discord.gg/HWBBFJeVuX)

File list

  • [SobsPlease] Girls Band Cry - 01 (1080p) [0351EB74].mkv (1.9 GiB)
Happy to demoralise during QC ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1046197388362121336.png)
script comp with v0 https://www.diffchecker.com/sfvnMxAd/
script comp vs officials ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/991763687100661850.webp?size=96&quality=lossless) https://www.diffchecker.com/V9376AnQ/
>script comp with v0 https://www.diffchecker.com/sfvnMxAd/ They fixed the line I said was wrong. They wrote a fanfic on a line that was just right. I'll avoid commenting on the 4 responsible for the slowest ts in history.
> They wrote a fanfic on a line that was just right. which line are you talking about?
[@LoliSub](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1806016#com-8) I can assure you that anything you pointed out was not taken into consideration. If we ended up changing anything that aligns with what you said, it was purely coincidental.
>which line are you talking about? 終わったら 終わっちゃうんですよ 終わりって 自分で言ったら 本当に終わっちゃうんですよ Once you give up, there's no turning back! Maybe your life sucks, or your music won't sell, but your dreams only die when you accept they have! >@LoliSub I can assure you anything you pointed out was not taken into consideration. If we ended up changing anything that aligns with what you said, it was purely coincidental. Nice joke.
>the slowest ts in history. Nice joke.
They tell the unlearned that I have falsified the original, that I have not rendered word for word, that I have put "Once you give up, there's no turning back!" in place of "Once it ends, it's really the end!", and more shameful still! That I have cut down my translation by omitting the phrase "it'll be truly over!"
once it ends it's truly joever
>They tell the unlearned that I have falsified the original, that I have not rendered word for word, that I have put “Once you give up, there’s no turning back!” in place of “Once it ends, it’s really the end!”, and more shameful still! That I have cut down my translation by omitting the phrase “it’ll be truly over!” They managed to make it even worse. That's not how translation works... Well, I won't waste time discussing it. The fact that they fixed the mistake I pointed out shows that I was right.
true crimes against translation on display
Mfs were crying when there were no subs for the show and now there are subs, they are crying about them. Can't just be thankful and watch the show now can we?
> That’s not how translation works ah, translation, the notoriously rigorous and structured process
wdym? simply translate the japanese words into their respective english words! all languages were created under the same universal framework after all :^)
> Mfs were crying when there were no subs for the show and now there are subs, they are crying about them. well with the show being about crying...
Absolute cinema!


![alt text](https://media1.tenor.com/m/fKi7K-4u8nsAAAAC/its-so-fucking-peak-its-so-peak.gif)
My mistake thinking a fansubbed show implies it's actually good Edit: and I don't mean the translation, I'm not that autistic to care about it that much like everyone on this site I just mean the show is pretty dog
Anonymuse is a complete retard, the show is great but the translation has to come faster lmao
Anonymuse and Inokori are both complete retards, the show is okay-ish.
Thanks for the work!
>1.9GB enough with this bloated shit
thank you so much
i was memed into watching this show after writing it off for looking kinda meh thanks for the tl guys
@vikrant9760 the problem is, as they did with "Pon no michi" last season, people is adding trash subs saying anything but what they really are saying in the anime. I have being downloading versions again and again to find they all have those trash subs. Just want to know if this ones are the good one, but make me doubt it all the sob thing
@Nillennir *chuckles* they're good subs, sir
Do you guys do a 720p release at all? My TV is older than 10 years and won't show 1080p.