Role | Staff |
TL | Crunchyroll |
Encode | OZR |
Timing | Asakura |
TS | Gokul |
Songs TL | Various sources, but mostly BDs |
Songs Styling | Gokul |
QC | Asakura |
Distro | gsk_ |
I can’t believe I’m actually posting this.
Where do I even begin. This project started in 2017 (I wasn’t on board back then), but it didn’t go anywhere. Sometime later, I decided to join (even through, funnily enough, I don’t remember when or how :D). Even after I joined, we (in some proportions) stalled this for years at a time. I even thought the release would never happen. But by some miracle, we found the motivation to finally finish it. Believe or not, 80% of the progress was in last 6 month.
I want to thank everyone who was part of this project. Thanks to OZR for this encodes (details below). Thanks for gsk for lending the seedbox (and some other help). Obviously Gokul, without whom the project wouldn’t even exist.
Some encoding notes from OZR:
Filtering: rescale, denoise, deband, and regrain.
Some scenes that weren’t descaleable were filtered with aa and dehalo. The rescale itself was heavily scenefiltered in later episodes due to the kernel switching between Catrom and BicubicSharp. Audio was encoded from the JPBD and USBD to 192 kbps and 384 kbps Opus respectively for transparency.
For the next seasons, the plan is to continue normally. If you want more up-to-date progress, you can join the discord server.
Mediainfo | Episode 1 Comparisons | Episode 44 Comparisons
Please note, that I only support mpv to play the files correctly, so use that! If you find any errors in the release, please let me know.
Don’t let this opportunity slip thru. It’s time to immerse yourself in the magic, action, and camaraderie of Black Clover like never before. Seize the moment, download now, and embark on an unforgettable adventure.
Comments - 24
There it is
Good job getting this out o7
Crunchy’s and Funimation’s TL were different, is Cr’s better?
That’s impressive! Thanks! I will be watching this!
Asakura (uploader)
@Marche I don’t even remember if I compared tbh :D We just took whatever was easier to work with.
thanks so much
everyone knows it’s not worth the effort to spend a bit of time comparing translations when no one cares about that. especially for such a long anime. instead spend a billion hours making the encode look 1% better.
while I will not be watching this, i appreciate the effort from all involved
translation is not an essential part of the fansubbing process anyways
Eyyyy I’m happy we got this out Asakura! Lovely seeing it on here!! Thank you for joining the team and bring it to completion!!!
I don’t watch shounen (“shounen” means “boy” and I despise males) but thank you.
Thank you
Honestly, when I compared them both, I preferred Funimation’s, but it could be me only.
@Marche I compared both for a few of the early episodes a long time ago and also found the Funi script to be better.
Any place to get the Funimation script to slap them on these encodes?
Not to diss your work, but TL should be the number 1 factor, and it’s sad to see that such a humungous effort not include that :(
Asakura (uploader)
@Marche I’m sure you can find Funimation subs archive here, which should have Black Clover subs too.
Kaidubs uploaded them, but bear in mind they’re timed with the Funi splash screen beforehand so won’t sync up without shifting.
I can’t remember how many frames it is, but should be the same for every episode.
@Weebly9 Please note that those subs are from the digital copy and not from the physical USBD. If I remember correctly, there are random sync issues that occur even if you shifted properly. Much like how the CR WEB subs randomly desync throughout episodes when slapped onto the BDs
Thank you!
Awesome release, thank you!
any release with a resonable size?
are the other episodes still in the works?