[ASW] Senpai wa Otokonoko - 01 [1080p HEVC x265 10Bit][AAC] :: Nyaa ISS

[ASW] Senpai wa Otokonoko - 01 [1080p HEVC x265 10Bit][AAC]

2024-07-04 19:19 UTC
File size:
212.4 MiB
Info hash:
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File list

  • [ASW] Senpai wa Otokonoko - 01 [1080p HEVC][933BFF64].mkv (212.4 MiB)
Thank you for this anime but I want to vent on the original translator: What the fuck would it mean not to translate voluntarily a word? "Senpai is an Otyokjonoko"? Are you fucking kidding me? Is it so gross to say "Senpai is a BOY"? From when BOY is a bad word? These woke translations want to ruin all my anime... BOY isn't a bad word!!!!
@Kenshin because that's not what おとこのこmeans. Maybe you should learn a language and the culture surrounding a word in that language instead of pathetically seething about make-believe "woke" nonsense.
If something like the title to a manga/anime you're not even purchasing bothers you, then you might need some help. Chill out, and let others do what they want. Try to not get bothered, stuff like this shouldn't elicit such responses out of us. Being full of anger is not cool.
@Kenshin I had read the source manga last year, and the title of it is literally "Senpai wa Otokonoko". Woke people didn't have a hand in this one Also, Otokonoko is a Japanese term for men who feminine gender expressions and features and likes, etc, or something like that. This word in the title was used by the author herself