This is just a quick mux of Shirase's Konohana Kitan with all the other releases added into it. I replaced the web AAC audio with audio from the USBD. I gave it a quick check and it seems fine but I don't really watch dubs. There is no next episode/preview voice dialogue for the English dub as FUNImation did not not bring the voice actors back to do them for the blurays. I edited KS's ocr'd funi subtitles to fix the duplicate op/ed lyrics.
Tracks | Source |
--- | --- | ---
Video | VCB-Studio
Audio | Japanese: FLAC 2.0 (JPBD)
Audio | English FLAC 5.1 (USBD)
Subtitles | Shirase (Full Subtitles/Signs & Songs)
Subtitles | Funimation (Full Subtitles/Signs & Songs) (OCR'd by -ks-)
Subtitles | Kiyome (Full Subtitles/Signs & Songs)
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