[Baaro] Detective Conan 415-417 [ENG-SUB] :: Nyaa ISS

[Baaro] Detective Conan 415-417 [ENG-SUB]

2013-12-24 15:40 UTC
File size:
372.5 MiB
Info hash:
The Moonlighters needs a little help right now with their backlog. Some older episodes were handed over to us at Baaro to take care of because they didn't actually need to be run past a full-fledged Japanese-to-English translator (this included the remastered 153-154 that we released recently), but the recent weekly episode backlog is too serious, I think, for the two translators that are sometimes available, without their main translator being able to contribute (and I have this funny feeling that, for personal reasons, he might not be available for a while at least). If anyone's up to helping with this, please let Licca know over in #the-moonlighters on irc.hoshinet.org. M-L's main translator also does song translations and the occasional TLC for Baaro, so if bluesun becomes available again, I'll probably be releasing V2s of these with much improved OPED translations and probably further editing. ![Image](http://baaro.buric.co/assets_c/2013/12/shot0304-thumb-320xauto-2.png) Noteā€”on the original TV airing, 415-416 had an incomplete shot in the opening right when the title blasts out. On DVD this was corrected for 415, but mysteriously not for 416! This is fixed on our release.

File list

  • [Baaro] Detective Conan 415-417 [ENG-SUB]
    • Detective Conan - 415 - The Evil Spirit that Comes Out on Butsumetsu (The Case) [Baaro][59E69AE3].mkv (133.5 MiB)
    • Detective Conan - 416 - The Evil Spirit that Comes Out on Butsumetsu (The Suspicion) [Baaro][C663C5C8].mkv (117.6 MiB)
    • Detective Conan - 417 - The Evil Spirit that Comes Out on Butsumetsu (Case Closed) [Baaro][0568CE33].mkv (121.3 MiB)