CR-Premium Membership expired - releases will stop until funds are accumulated to continue ripping sorry folks.
You can donate for the cause here: [**\[DONATE HERE\]**](https://www.paypal.me/sinnx3/)
Membership is $6.95 / month
_I shall leave the amount to donate open for choosing donate what you wish._
Because why the fuck not?
Since nobody else seems to be sharing these releases anymore....
You can expect releases from me each week in 720p only for as long as I have the HDD space (may or may not always have a DDL or fast seed speeds _**working with 1Mbps Upload MAX**_)
**Crunchyroll Availability Information**:
**Simulcast on Fridays 6:30pm CDT**
**Future Card Buddyfight DDD**
[IRC (Hardly use)](http://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23animebaka&server=irc.rizon.net) | [RSS](//www.nyaa.se/?page=rss&user=304839) | [Main Chat](http://www.abakatv.chatango.com/?js&m) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/0oZEduoJIgJFkHtI)
Third season of Future Card Buddyfight.
**Q & A's**:
**Q**: Why are you adding this, I don't like it?
**A**: Then don't download it, simple as that.
**Q**: I came to shitpost this torrent because you're releasing it and not x subgroup.
**A**: Kthxbai I don't give a shit go pester someone who does.
**Q**: Will you do **_x_** show/s?
**A**: Depends, I don't really have the upload speed to do these kinds of things nor do I have a seedbox let alone the funds to obtain one. (if you would like to help with such & or subbing drop me a message ![Image](http://puu.sh/mxEk7.png))
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