\[Eila\] Brave Witches - Vol. 1
This is an original 720p release of Brave Witches BD Vol. 1 with English subtitles.
Episodes included in Vol. 1:
Episode 01 - Sasebo's Magical Girl?
Episode 02 - Take Flight, Chidori
Both episodes are chaptered.
Both episodes have two (2) subtitles tracks:
Default - No honorifics
w/ Honorifics - Japanese honorifics
Both episodes have had minor text modifications from their previous TV batch versions.
Alternative 1080p Release: Eila ([\#907576](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=907576))
Original Raws: Airota&ANK-Raws ([\#907090](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=907090))
Tried my hand at some basic encoding/resizing. Let me know how it looks and if you want continued 720p releases alongside the 1080p BD releases.
Starting from this release onward the subtitle track labeled "w/ Honorifics" will use the \[jpn\] language tag. This may be useful for those of you that prefer said track.
As always, if there are any errors that can be fixed or corrections that can be made feel free to let me know.
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