[df68] One Piece Season 09 - Part 1 [1080p][x264][JPN][SUB] :: Nyaa ISS

[df68] One Piece Season 09 - Part 1 [1080p][x264][JPN][SUB]

2017-09-08 20:33
No information.
File size:
15.3 GiB
Info hash:


  • Video is 1920x1080.
  • The eps were made from a very good widescreen source from CR and done minimal optimizations on them.
  • English subs added to all of them.
  • Audio: Japanese from CR webrip
  • Video quality: 3500-4500 kbps
  • Bit depth: 8 bit to make sure that most media players can play it

This is the season 9 part 1 batch, with eps 264-283. Having crossed the yearly occurring storm called Aqua Laguna on the prototype sea train Rocketman, piloted by sea train conductor Kokoro, the Straw Hats, including Usopp, disguised as his alternate ego, the sharpshooting superhero Sogeking, and their allies, the Franky Family, the Galley-La Company foremen, and the sumo-wrestling frog Yokozuna, assault the government’s stronghold island Enies Lobby to reclaim their comrades Franky and Nico Robin from the secret assassination group Cipher Pol No. 9 (CP9).


File list

  • [df68] One Piece Season 09 - Part 1 [1080p][x264][JPN][SUB]
    • One Piece - 264 - Landing Operations Start! Charge in, Straw Hats! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (799.3 MiB)
    • One Piece - 265 - Luffy Cuts Through! Big Showdown on the Judicial Island! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (812.1 MiB)
    • One Piece - 266 - Battle Against Giants! Open the Second Gate! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (753.6 MiB)
    • One Piece - 267 - Find a Way Out! Rocketman Takes Flight! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (829.5 MiB)
    • One Piece - 268 - Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hats’ All-Out Battle! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (787.8 MiB)
    • One Piece - 269 - Robin Betrayed! The Motive of the World Government! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (812.0 MiB)
    • One Piece - 270 - Give Robin Back! Luffy vs. Blueno! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (786.2 MiB)
    • One Piece - 271 - Don’t Stop! Hoist the Counterattack Signal! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (699.4 MiB)
    • One Piece - 272 - Almost to Luffy! Gather at the Courthouse Plaza! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (774.4 MiB)
    • One Piece - 273 - Everything is to Protect My Friends! Second Gear Activated! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (779.7 MiB)
    • One Piece - 274 - Give us your answer, Robin! The Straw Hats' Outcry! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (663.2 MiB)
    • One Piece - 275 - Robin's Past! The Girl was called a Devil! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (632.8 MiB)
    • One Piece - 276 - Fated Mother and Daughter! The Mother's Name is Olvia! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (643.0 MiB)
    • One Piece - 277 - The Tragedy of Ohara! The Terror of the Buster Call! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (847.9 MiB)
    • One Piece - 278 - Say You Want to Live! We Are Your Friends! [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (744.7 MiB)
    • One Piece - 279 - Jump Towards the Falls! Luffy's Feelings! (Straw Hat Theatre #1 - Chopper Man) [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (922.4 MiB)
    • One Piece - 280 - The Ways of Men! Zoro's Techniques, Usopp's Dream! (Straw Hat Theatre #2 - Report Time) [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (859.3 MiB)
    • One Piece - 281 - A Bond of Friendship Woven by Tears! Nami's World Map! (Straw Hat Theatre #3 - Obahan Time) [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (826.1 MiB)
    • One Piece - 282 - Parting Builds a Man's Character! Sanji and Chopper! (Straw Hat Theatre #4 - No Respect Time) [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (890.2 MiB)
    • One Piece - 283 - Everything is for Her Friends! Robin in the Darkness! (Straw Hat Theatre #5 - Monster Time) [1080p][x264][AAC][Eng-Sub]-df68.mkv (792.2 MiB)

Can you upload 207-rest of the 1080p in those 1080p.

Thanks a lot darfire68 ! Great job again :)

darkfire68 (uploader)


I’m downloading this to my seedbox then reuploading to a my gdrive, currently in this season, so far 200gb upload at least so we can have a backup just in case. Thank for you hard work.

When will you upload the complement of one piece [Dress Rosa] BD quality ?

i found this [df68] One Piece Season 1 - 1st Voyage [720p] will you continue?

darkfire68 (uploader)


franky: no, it is dropped, better source found, search for df68 and there are the torrents

darkfire68: plz answer me, When will you upload the complement of one piece [Dress Rosa] BD quality ?

darkfire68 (uploader)


John8: after finished up to episode 578 (punk hazard start), so later this year

in the future will you upload " Death Note, Attack on titan and Hunter X Hunter 2011 " BD ?

Season 1 to 7 has no seed, plz someone seed or share mirrors. @oscars can you share the google drive links?

darkfire68 (uploader)


John8: haven’t decided it yet, my plan is to do this anime, and naruto and shippuuden from german bds, and detective conan series from web-dl source
yatogam1: sorry cannot seed my torrents 24/7, its really really sad that the community gives nothing or small portion back, it is frustrating and annoying. All in all I’m back with seeding.

Hi df65, can you elaborate more about the video source for the first 52 episodes of One Piece that you got off Usenet? Are they from Jap R2 DVDs or HDTV rips?

darkfire68 (uploader)


Rohanroms: I’m 100% sure that it is hdtv rip, it was uploaded by Yenc@power-post.org (Yenc-PP-A&A) in the a.b.multimedia.anime channel, more than 3 years ago, dl-ed in those days, but for now, it is unreachable, I checked it last month. It was full screen (4:3), not the digitally remastered 16:9 that toei did. It has serious banding, dot crawl and line cracking though, so had to filter them out. There are several frames that are bad in several episodes. Seriously, waiting for a normal BD release.

“It has serious banding, dot crawl and line cracking though, so had to filter them out.” Wait are you talking about the Toei remasters or the 4:3 ones? If Toei was better why not use that source? I know the top and bottom were cropped but I’m guessing the BD release would probably do the same to adhere to the 16:9 “HD” aspect ratio?

darkfire68 (uploader)


Rohanroms ugh sorry typo. Toei version has those problems, 4:3 source was pretty clean.

darkfire68: Hello, while looking to download all of One Piece again I found your uploads which seem to be of very high quality (even for the earlier episodes). I only wanted to ask: what is the source of the subs you use?
Oh, and could someone seed the first seasons please :x

darkfire68 (uploader)


Danielosama: sub source is horriblesubs, with corrections to timing and some placement errors

darkfire68: Thanks for the answer!
Now I just need someone to seed the first season x(

Hello darkfire68, do you have an idea of when will you upload the rest of the Enies Lobby Arc (that I suppose will be the next uploaded episodes)? Thank you very much.

darkfire68 (uploader)


DenFox: sorry I’m busier than expected in these days so it will take a while but I want to make it this month.

Oh, thank you, this is a great news for me, I think the fight against Lucci is still the best fight in One Piece!
Anyway, i leave a comment in the torrent page of One Piece Episode of Chopper (the movie) for you, in the end the audio file is broken.
Thanks for your hard work, men!

No seeds first few season. Is there any alternate way to download like #IRC or direct links? Thank you for the upload, best one piece source available over internet now.

@trojanhorse: Which seasons do you want? I can seed no problem.

Well somebody was seeding, from hungary. So i could finish a little. i want from One Piece Season 01 - Part 2. Thank you in advance, i will also seed once done.

Ok, if you ever see someone seeding from Spain, that’s probably me :p
I try to seed all seasons as much as I can.



@darkfire68 i recently see your test about dragon ball 720p you did and what is the source? it’s too beautiful to be an upscale
i know some guys shit about it but they are enigmo a dragon ball troll guy just jealous
can you reupload your 153 Dragon Ball from your source but uncropped if possible? as it is better even with the slight black bar sometimes available …thanks

darkfire68 (uploader)


DBM: its in the making dont worry, i’m 100% sure that its not an upscale, dont know how amazon prime japan got that, though…
The eps are uncropped, only the first 15 eps are cropped 4 pixels from left and right because of the black bars.

hi dark, Detective Conan in 720p still in work? will you release it? thanks!

darkfire68 (uploader)


franky: it’s in the making, dont know if it will be released, seriously the community here is nothing more than complaining kids and s**tholes

sorry my wasn’t a complaint but only a question…thanks for your work!

darkfire68 (uploader)


Franky: it was not for you, you are great, the problem are the other people



@darkfire68 thanks can you give me the link to the amazon japan prime service? like you said it’s not upscale i would like to pay to see it legally (as i can use vpn for japan)



about the pixels from the 15 first episodes please let them like they are (the slight black bar) some time (just watch dbz ep 1 on dbox) you have more black bar from one part to another if you crop it it will crop everything the same so you lose some pixels in some part , so if it is possible can you just keep ep 1-15 like they are with black bar? thanks a lot

darkfire68 (uploader)


DBM: dont know its legal or not lol are you really complaining about that is is real or not? I ripped from amazon prime japan they know that if its legal or not, I dont know. Used different cropping stats for each ep so dont worry.

Hi @darkfire68. Can you/someone seed Season 07 Part 2?
Someone was seeding yesterday but stopped, I’m stuck at 54.8%.
Can someone seed to help me? There is little left, just a few hours, pleaaaaase!

Thanks in advance!

@darkfire68 Please continue Detective Conan and Dragon Ball in 720p, your encodes are all masterpieces like One Piece.

Any idea next episodes? Just curiosu, no pressure.


Hi @darkfire68 , I read you plan on doing German Naruto/shippuden BDs ,do you plan on improve them with some filters or will you encode and upload them as they are?

darkfire68 (uploader)


tluus: have you successfully downloaded Season 07 Part 2? Next eps are very close to release be patient. :)
yatogam: I will do them dont worry :)
ThePi7on: I will repair them because they are terrible scaled. After ep 197 the quality is much better imho, all in all they will be vastly improved.

That’s great to hear! Keep up the awesome work!


Yes, got it! If anyone needs seeds for season 7/8/9 just say, i’ll help (:

I’ll be patient, don’t worry xD Thanks for all, and congratulations on the release (:

Hey @darkfire68 do you already have a rough idea for when you’ll start working on naruto? Not trying to pressure, good work needs time, I’m asking just to remember to check when It’s time

darkfire68 (uploader)


Opened my discord server, you can join my channel here: https://discord.gg/F5zhgaa