High quality English subs.
Enjoy one the best arcs of Fate/ :)
There WILL be a better and improved version when the blurays come out and it’ll have no black bars, re-sampled subs for 1080p, better timings thanks to not being tied to obscuring the sometimes horribly timed Chinese subs, song lyrics and overall improvements and just general goodness. Also, candy :D
Comments - 4
astroprogs (uploader)
Make sure to attach the fonts while muxing the subs with your raw.
thanks for making subs for that shitfest of a raw, though i’ll probably be waiting for bds
astroprogs (uploader)
A version 2 will be released today to fix a few timing issues, a mistranslation and some typos.
astroprogs (uploader)
Version 2 is out! This version has 24 changes between fixing mistranslations, typos and adjusting timings. Enjoy :)
MEGA Link: https://mega.nz/#!LpxnXL7I!SFOeTwIxo776EX3azJ5qLEdUSeNf3DSWEXEj0onuPOA
Torrent: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/978703